Real Springfield Unveils New Downtown Map

Photo: Real Springfield

Real Springfield has announced the installation of a large-scale map at the kiosk next to the Robertson County Chamber of Commerce.

Designed by Mollie B. Creative, this artistic rendering highlights the unique architecture of the downtown area while helping visitors navigate the streets with ease.

A second map will soon be placed near the public parking lot on Main Street at 8th Avenue.

In addition to the maps, several other projects are underway, including the Downtown Springfield signage at the intersection of Batts Boulevard and Main Street, made possible by the Springfield Public Works Department. Historical signage at Jail Alley and a special five-year artistic rendering of BS Brew Works’s location, created by Mollie B. Creative, has also been added.

To learn more about Springfield Main Street’s mission, vision, activities, and upcoming events, visit: Springfield Main Street.

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