The 10th Annual Live the “Green” Way LIQUID COLOR 5K takes place at the Robertson County Fairgrounds on September 25th making use of the scenic Springfield Greenway as a “down and back” course following along the beautiful Sulphur Fork Creek.
This is a primarily flat course with a slight incline towards the finish line. It is a fast course, work on your personal record. The course will be starting from the Robertson County Fairgrounds again this year at 4635 Highway 41 N Springfield, TN, 37172.
The 5K will start at 8 AM on September 25, 2021. Also, near the finish line are the infamous COLOR LANES, but don’t worry, if you don’t want to be sprayed we have SPLASH FREE AREA. This year the event will be professionally timed at both start and finish.
This great event raises money for the Jennifer Green Foundation that supports Special Education Programs in Robertson County, TN, a cause that was very near and dear to Jennifer’s heart.
Event Details and Schedule:
*Friday, September 24, 2021 – Early packet pick-up
*5-8 PM Packet Pick Up
*Saturday, September 25, 2021 – Race Day
*7 AM – Late Registration and Late Packet Pick Up Opens at Fairgrounds
*8 AM – Race Begins
*9:30 AM – Awards at Century Stage on the Fairgrounds
*10 AM – ‘Mask’erade Market opens
After the awards be sure to visit the 2nd Annual ‘Mask’erade Market
Fairgrounds entrance for this event is off Blackwood Drive (behind warehouse)
Course is a down and back course, so please stay to the right to allow others to pass.
Visit for more information and registration.
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