Health Professionals Boards Disciplinary Actions for June 2024


Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 68-1-114 requires the Tennessee Department of Health will issue a monthly media release listing all disciplinary actions the health-related boards took during the prior month. Below is a list of actions taken in June of 2024.


Licensee: Advantage Care EMS, LLC, Ambulance Service 10270, Madison
Violation: Licensee, an ambulance service, conducted one hundred sixty-six (166) patient transports in an unlicensed ambulance between August 2, 2022 and September 30, 2023. The ambulance in question was observed to be dirty, damaged externally and missing required equipment.
Action: Licensee’s license no. 10270 is on PROBATION for a period of five (5) years, effective June 26, 2024. Licensee shall also pay a CIVIL PENALTY of eight thousand three hundred dollars ($8,300.00), which represents a civil penalty in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each of the one hundred sixty-six (166) calls serviced by Licensee’s unlicensed unit, within sixty (60) days, or by August 26, 2024.

Licensee: Caitlin Marie Benton, AEMT 214597, Kingston
Violation: Licensee has a substance abuse and addiction issue with alcohol; Violation or attempted violation or assisting in or abetting the violation of or conspiring to violate any of the following: Any provision of this part; Any rule or regulation of the board; Habitual intoxication or personal misuse of any drugs or the use of intoxicating liquors, narcotics, controlled substances, controlled substance analogues or other drugs or stimulants in such manner as to adversely affect the delivery, performance or activities in the care of the patients requiring medical care; Performing or attempting emergency care techniques or procedures without proper permission, license certification, training, medical direction, or otherwise engaging in unethical practices or conduct; Gross health care liability or negligence, or a pattern of continued or repeated health care liability, ignorance, negligence, or incompetence in the provision of emergency care
Action: License is placed on Suspension; Licensee may undergo an evaluation approved by the Tennessee Professional Assistance Program (“TnPAP”).

Licensee: Maxwell Burcher, EMT Lic. No. 219093, Arrington
Violation: Licensee practiced without an EMT license for about two (2) months, attending around fourteen (14) calls. Any person subject to regulation pursuant to this part may be subject to discipline or may be denied authorization for the following prohibited acts: (A) Any provision of this part; (B) Any rule or regulation of the board. Performing or attempting emergency care techniques or procedures without proper permission, license, certification, training, medical direction, or otherwise engaging in unethical practices or conduct; Engaging in the delivery of emergency medical services on a revoked, suspended, expired, or inactive license, or beyond the scope of a modified or conditioned license.
Action: Licensee’s license is placed on probation for one (1) year upon the ratification of the Consent Order by the Board. Licensee is assessed a seven hundred dollar ($700) civil penalty.

Licensee: Samantha Rae Campbell, EMT 36729, Castalian Springs
Violation: Licensee did not respond to request for proof of compliance with continuing education requirements during audit.
Action: Licensee’s Emergency Medical Technician license no. 36729 is revoked pursuant to licensee’s request.

Licensee: Zachary Haeuptle, AEMT 38215, Christiana
Violation: Licensee failed to notify the Board that he was convicted of several felonies. Any person subject to regulation pursuant to this part may be subject to discipline or may be denied authorization for the following prohibited acts: Violation or attempted violation or assisting in or abetting the violation of or conspiring to violate any of the following: Any provision of this part; Any criminal statute of any state or Canadian province, or of the United States or Canada which involves moral turpitude or reflects upon the person’s ability to fulfill such person’s responsibilities under this part; Any person subject to regulation under this part must notify the Tennessee emergency medical services board of all convictions and pending charges, including arrests, citations for reckless driving under § 55-10-205, and indictments, for commission of a felony or misdemeanor in any jurisdiction within ten (10) business days of the occurrence of such actions. This subsection (d) shall apply to persons whose licenses are active, inactive, or suspended on the date of the conviction or the date the charges were filed. Failure to timely notify the Tennessee emergency medical services board of the occurrence of such actions shall result in the suspension of active and inactive licenses.
Action: License is Revoked.

Licensee: Darryl White, Paramedic Lic. No. 33705, Murfreesboro
Violation: Licensee plead guilty to driving under the influence. Any person subject to regulation pursuant to this part may be subject to discipline or may be denied authorization for the following prohibited acts: (A) Any provision of this part; (B) Any rule or regulation of the board. Habitual intoxication or personal misuse of any drugs or the use of intoxicating liquors, narcotics, controlled substances, controlled substance analogues or other drugs or stimulants in such manner as to adversely affect the delivery, performance or activities in the care of the patients requiring medical care;
Action: Licensee’s license is placed on suspension, upon the ratification of this Consent Order by the Board. Respondent may undergo an evaluation with the Tennessee Professional Assistance Program to employ their recommendations. If recommended to sign a TnPAP monitoring agreement, the probation of Respondent’s license shall run concurrent with the monitoring agreement with TnPAP for no more than three years. By following the recommendations, the suspension will be stayed and their licensed place on probation for three years. If no monitoring agreement is recommended, Respondent license will be place on probation for three years.


Licensee: Armandorex V. Santos, NHA #3042, Murfreesboro
Violation: While licensee was the nursing home administrator at a long-term care facility, licensee failed to ensure allegations of resident abuse were reported timely and failed to properly handle infection control matters. The license and/or registration of any person practicing or offering to practice nursing home administration or the license of a nursing home administrator holding a provisional license may be revoked or suspended, or the licensee be disciplined in accordance with this section upon decision and after due hearing by the board in any of the following cases: Upon proof that the licensee has willfully or repeatedly violated this chapter or the rules or regulations promulgated in accordance therewith; or willfully or repeatedly acted in a manner inconsistent with the health and safety of the patients in the home in which the licensee is the administrator.
Action: Assessed a civil penalty of one thousand dollars ($1,000).


Licensee: Beverly Ann Bell, PTA 779, Lebanon
Violation: Failure to complete continuing education requirements
Action: Agreed Citation; must submit continuing education; assessed civil penalty in the amount of $200.00

Licensee: Kelli France, PTA 4214, Hendersonville
Violation: Failure to complete continuing education requirements
Action: Agreed Citation; must submit continuing education; assessed civil penalty in the amount of $1,600.00


Licensee: Tammi Newton, LPC/MHSP 2414, Pegram
Violation: Respondent’s license expired March 31, 2013. Respondent began working as a professional counselor for Belleview Behavioral Health (BBH) in approximately July 2017 without a valid license. In August 2021, Respondent submitted an application to have her license reinstated and appeared before the Board on March 4, 2022, to request that her reinstatement application be approved. The Board instructed Respondent to CEASE AND DESIST from the practice of licensed professional counseling, allowed Respondent to withdraw the reinstatement application, instructed Respondent to reapply by completing the application for Licensure by Examination, and submit some additional required information. Respondent failed to submit a new application or the additional requested information. When Respondent began working as a professional counselor without a valid license she violated Tenn. Code Ann. § 63-22-117 (a)(1)(A) Representing or advertising such person as, or using a title or description such as, “licensed professional counselor” without being duly licensed according to this part; (B) Making use of any title, words, letters or abbreviations, or any combination thereof, that may reasonably be confused with licensure provided by this part to denote a standard of professional or occupational competence, without being duly licensed under this part; and (C) Performing activities that may reasonably be construed to fall within the defined scope of practice of persons licensed under this part who are designated as mental health service providers as defined in § 63-22-122 without being duly licensed hereunder. Respondent’s conduct also violated Tenn. Code Ann. §63-22-110(b)(4) Engaging in professional misconduct, unethical or unprofessional conduct, including, but not limited to, willful acts, negligence and conduct likely to deceive, defraud or harm the public or engaged in such conduct.
Action: Voluntary Surrender of LPC/MHSP license; Civil Penalties totaling two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00); and costs not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00).

Listed are the monthly summaries of disciplinary actions taken against health professionals and/or unlicensed individuals. Any actions taken by the boards must be filed with the Administrative Procedures Division of the Secretary of State’s Office in which effective dates will be assigned.  The Administrative Procedures Division is the administrative court for the State.

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