TDOT Creates Incident Management Plan for I-65 Construction Zone


The Tennessee Department of Transportation has implemented an Incident Management Plan for the Interstate 65 widening construction zone in Robertson County.

The extensive widening project is on schedule and a traffic shift has been implemented, moving drivers to the inside lanes of the interstate. For safety, Jones Bros Constructors will use concrete barriers to separate the lanes from active construction, which means motorists will travel several miles of roadway without a shoulder or pull-off area.

TDOT knows this could increase the chances of crashes in the area and has implemented a management plan to provide additional safety measures for motorists in the area.

Additional Tennessee Highway Patrol troopers are patrolling the construction zone to help respond to incidents as well as speeding enforcement.

In the event of an incident, an on-shift HELP unit will be dispatched as well as TDOT Maintenance crews, that will bring traffic control devices to assist with managing traffic. Smart Work Zone devices, which are already in place, include message boards on each end of the project that will also be utilized.

If a long-term closure occurs, a permanent detour will be installed along US-31 for both I-65 northbound and southbound. TDOT has also requested an officer to assist with directing traffic at predetermined intersections.

Motorists are advised to plan for extra travel time and slow down while in any work zone.

From your desktop or mobile device, get the latest construction activity and live-streaming SmartWay traffic cameras at Travelers can also dial 511 from any phone for travel information.

As always, drivers are reminded to use all motorist information tools wisely and Know Before You Go! by checking travel conditions before leaving for their destination. Drivers should never tweet, text, or talk on a cell phone while behind the wheel.

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