Springfield Begins Autumn Leaf Collection


The City of Springfield provides bagged leaf collection service to residential customers during the fall season. The city does not collect loose leaves. Please bag your leaves if you want them collected.

Bagged leaf collection service begins on the first Monday in November and continues until December 31. After this date only three bags of leaves at a time, at the driver’s discretion, will be collected with your regular weekly trash cart day until all bagged leaves are gone.

A leaf removal truck will operate on a daily basis and will remove bagged leaves as your street is serviced. It is not necessary to call for this service as our crew will routinely check each city street.

Autumn leaf bag collection service is not available at apartments, condominiums or businesses. If you (owner, landlord or tenant) hire someone to bag your leaves, be sure that the cost of hauling the bags away is included in the price. Do not leave bags for collection by the city.

Bagged Leaves Information

  • Put bagged leaves at the edge of YOUR property, close enough to the curb (but not in the ditch or on the sidewalk) for the crew to reach it. It is considered illegal dumping if you put ANY debris on property that does not belong to you.
  • Only bags of leaves can be put by the curb for the leaf crew. Extra household bags will not be collected and you will be cited.
  • After Christmas, only three bags of leaves at a time, can be placed next to your trash cart for weekly residential collection until all bags are gone.
  • If you (owner, landlord or occupant) hire someone to bag your leaves, be sure that the cost of hauling the bags away is included in the price. Do not leave bags for collection by the city.
  • If household trash or other debris (limbs, rocks, etc.) is found in your bags of leaves they will not be collected. LEAVES ONLY.
  • Do not put leaves or bagged leaves in ditches or street where they can be washed into a storm sewer or catch basin and clog up drainage systems.
  • Bagged leaves are not collected from apartments, condominiums, businesses or from vacant lots or properties.

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