7 Facts About Memorial Day 2024

photo from Wallet Hub

For most, Memorial Day is a day off from work. It is also a day for many Americans to demonstrate their patriotism by attending parades or decorating the graves of the fallen.

Memorial Day weekend has become a big shopping holiday, with consumers getting up to 80% off on purchases. In addition, 52% of Americans plan to barbeque over Memorial Day weekend, while 17% will take a trip. Memorial Day’s place on the calendar has made it the unofficial start of summer for many.

WalletHub shared these interesting facts to know about Memorial Day.

  • 97 members of the 118th Congress have served in the U.S. military, only the 4th time in the last 50 years with an increase in the total number of veterans elected.
  • The 1st state to officially recognize Memorial Day was New York in 1873
  • 260K graves at Arlington National Cemetery are adorned with American flags each Memorial Day
  • 100M+ households worldwide will watch the National Memorial Day parade broadcast on TV.
  • 3.5M people are expected to travel by plane over Memorial Day weekend (up 5% over 2023).
  • 818 is the number of hot dogs consumed every second from Memorial Day to Labor Day (seven billion total).
  • 15 to 80 Percent Off is the discount shoppers can expect during Memorial Day weekend sales.

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