Fatal E.coli Outbreak at Lucky Ladd Farms Responsible for Death of 2-Year-Old

Stock Photo of baby goat/not a Lucky Ladd Farms goat

An E.coli outbreak at Lucky Ladd Farms in Eagleville, TN is responsible for the death of a 2-year-old, reports News Channel 5. During the outbreak, a second child was hospitalized and several people fell ill. According to reports, the 2-year-old contracted the disease from a family member who attended a summer camp in June at Lucky Ladd Farms.

In the recently released report by the TN Department of Health, baby goats have been named the cause of the outbreak. One of the camp activities involved children picking out a baby goat and caring for it during a week-long camp. This close contact with the baby goats exposed campers to the disease. Out of 82 summer camp attendees, two primary cases were confirmed and one secondary case was confirmed.

“In June we were made aware of the potential health issue, which at that time was still not confirmed,” writes Jason and Amy Ladd on the Lucky Ladd Farms Facebook Page.

Lucky Ladd, in conjunction with the Tennessee Department of Health, began an investigation and closed its facility for a temporary time. However, Lucky Ladd clarifies that they were never asked to close the facility by any agency.

Forty-five environmental samples were taken across the Lucky Ladd facility and two samples tested positive for E.coli – one was from an unidentified animal stool sample and the other was on a wooden post on an old barn.

In response to the outbreak, Lucky Ladd Farms expedited the already scheduled demolition of the barn housing the baby goats, euthanized two baby goats who had tested positive for Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli, moved the rest of the herd off the property, and indefinitely ceased the animal husbandry aspect of the summer camp, reports TDH. Before building a new bar, the lot was empty for over 90 days to allow direct sunlight to sanitize the soil, explains Lucky Ladd Farms.

“Our family and staff continue to offer our prayers and heartfelt condolences to everyone affected by the very sad outcome that occurred in June. We thank the Tennessee Department of Health (TDH) for their very professional and thorough investigation. We also thank all the Foodborne and Enteric Diseases (FED) Program staff for their investigatory efforts as well as each member of our local community for their continued support for everyone involved,” writes Lucky Ladd.

Lucky Ladd reports that as TDH continues to monitor state and nationwide databases for confirmed E.coli cases that, to date, no additional cases have been linked with Lucky Ladd Farms.

“We continue in our commitment to operate in the safest possible ways to provide a fun and wholesome farm experience to the families of middle Tennessee and beyond.”

Lucky Ladd Farms is located at 4374 Rocky Glade Rd, Eagleville, TN 37060.

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