Back to School! Back to Sports! Tips to Get Ready

From Play It Again Sports ~Hendersonville

back to school sports

How to Prepare for Tryouts

With the new school year underway, team tryouts are just around the corner. How can you help your student prepare? Here are a few top tips from our team at Play It Again Sports ~ Brentwood and Play It Again Sports ~ Hendersonville:

  • Start getting in shape now before tryouts begin. You’ll feel better, perform better, and have greater confidence.
  • Eat a healthy, energizing breakfast on tryout day.
  • Show up early to show your respect and commitment to the coach and the team.
  • Be ready to learn. Coaches are looking for players who are malleable and eager to learn!
  • Stop seeking perfection. Instead, focus on doing your best in each individual drill or activity.
  • Communicate with your teammates – a sign of maturity and a quality team player.
  • Whether winning or losing, always practice good sportsmanship.
  • Most importantly, have fun!

Get Ready for the Season

As you begin a new sport or a new season, make a list of the gear you need:


Football Cleats * Footballs * Protective Gear * Football Helmets * Mouthguards * Shoulder Pads * Pants and Apparel * Gloves * Field Equipment * And More


Cleats * Baseballs * Softballs * Bats * Shin Guards * Batting Helmets * Batting Gloves * Mitts * Catcher’s Mitts * Bags * Protective Gear * And More


Soccer Balls * Shin Guards * Indoor and/or Outdoor Soccer Cleats * Apparel * Goalkeeper Gear * Training Equipment * Mouth Guards *  And More


Helmet * Lacrosse Stick *  Protective Pads (including EKG Certified Shoulder Pads) * Goggles *  Gloves * Balls * Goals * Equipment Bags * Stick Strings and Kits * Cleats


Helmets * Shoulder Pads * Skates * Sticks * Hockey Bags * Pucks * Pants * Elbow & Shin Pads * Gloves * Cups * Mouthguards * Goalie Gear

The Right Gear – At the Right Price

Got your list?  Check it twice at Play It Again Sports ~ Brentwood and Play It Again Sports ~ Hendersonville where you will find new and gently used sports gear. Getting ready for the upcoming season doesn’t have to be expensive since we offer up to 60% off retail pricing.  Both of our Play It Again Sports locations offer a full selection of equipment for players of all ages and sizes.  And, when you stop in, our experts will help you select appropriate gear for the upcoming season.

Interested in Learning a New Sport or Need to Upgrade Your Current Gear?  We’ve Got You!  

Play It Again Sports ~ Brentwood
1701 Mallory Lane, Suite 350
Brentwood, TN  37027
[email protected]
Hours: Monday – Friday: 10 – 8; Saturday 10 – 6; Sunday: 12 – 5

Play It Again Sports ~ Hendersonville
201 North Anderson Lane, Suite 300
Hendersonville, TN  37075
[email protected]
Hours: Monday – Friday: 10 – 7; Saturday 10 – 6; Sunday: 12 – 5

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