Leadership Robertson County Group Visits District Schools

Leadership Robertson County Group Visits District Schools

On Thursday, October 28, Robertson County Schools hosted the county’s Chamber of Commerce Leadership Robertson County cohort as they visited district schools and were informed about RCS opportunities and programs from the director of schools, selected administrators, and school educators. Fifteen members make up this year’s group in a program that has been a part of the county since 1990.

Beginning at Crestview Elementary School, the group was welcomed by Dr. Chris Causey, Director of Schools, and then briefed on school nutrition, education overviews, and district programs.

Next the group visited White House Heritage High School where a visit to the district’s only Bio-Stem lab was scheduled.

Springfield High School was next on the schedule with visits to the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp, Health Science and Cosmetology programs.  SHS’s own culinary arts program provided lunch, during which time, Dr. Causey shared an overall state of schools presentation.

After lunch a tour of the new Coopertown Elementary School facilities was on the schedule and then a visit to neighboring Springfield Middle School provided time for classroom visits and a presentation of the district’s Innovation Academy.

Dr. Causey summed up the day’s events and their part in sharing all that RCS has to offer the entire county.

“We were proud to showcase our awesome students, teachers, and programs available in Robertson County Schools,” he said.  “We are able to provide opportunities for all students to be successful no matter the path they choose.  Our community and business leaders got to see that personally on Thursday.”

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